Maestrozone is a personal design project. Inspired by my own pursuits with learning to play music this mobile application aims to help users learn how to play guitar using famous guitarists as case studies of sorts. Users can learn how to play songs through guitar tabs, use signature techniques and see what sort of equipment certain guitarists use. 
The prototype (created using Adobe XD) features a number of famous guitarists along with filters of “difficulty” (relating to how easy or difficult this guitarist would be to emulate) and “genre” (relating to what style of music they are associated with). 
Soundtrack: Shadowing - Corbyn Kites
After initially creating a number of paper wireframes, assets were designed and edited using Adobe Photoshop. These assets were then used in Adobe XD in order to create a high-fidelity prototype. Below, examples of such paper wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes are presented. While some layout changes did occur between the original wireframes and the finished product, this application remained relatively similar to the original concept overall.
Early Wireframes
Early Wireframes
High Fidelity Prototype Images
High Fidelity Prototype Images
Future Plans
At present, I plan to continue working on and expanding the scope of this project to take it from a prototype to a fully functional application.
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